
Energy is the source of everything—everything is energy. This includes objects, thoughts, feelings, and us. We are smaller universes within the greater universe. We are connected to everyone and everything. There is no separation. Everything vibrates at a specific frequency.  For instance, shame vibrates at a frequency of 20hz while joy vibrates at a frequency of 540hz which is even higher than love at 500hz. You can find more information by doing a search for the emotional frequency chart.

This is why energy greatly affects relationships. When we are aligned energetically with a person, we are in energy resonance with them. The result is a harmonious relationship. When we are out of alignment energetically with a person, we are not in energy resonance with them and this results in a relationship that is less than harmonious. You may feel like you are not on the same page, or speaking the same language. You may have disagreements and everything feels off, because energetically it is.  

The same is going on in the world on a larger scale. Many people right now have raised their frequency so much that they are feeling this lack of energy resonance with family members and long time friends. You may choose to distance yourself from the people you no longer resonate with. It doesn’t mean they won’t be a part of your life again at another point in time. Once they have done the work to raise their frequency to a higher level, all of a sudden they may pop back into your life and you are able to relate better.

You may also find that all the things that used to make you happy no longer do. You may have been very passionate about your career and now you are thinking of doing something completely different. That is because the frequency of that particular job or career no longer aligns with your energetic frequency. Maybe at one time, it was important for you to have a big house and an expensive car. Now that might mean nothing to you. All you really care about is having happiness, love and peace in your life. Your frequency determines your reality.   

Sometimes energies become unbalanced and a person’s frequency drops. We become unbalanced in our energy when we have a bad day or when life throws us a curveball. We were unable to stay in a state of non-reaction. Sometimes it’s our thinking and not staying in the present moment that throws us off. Or we just absorb energies from others or the environment we are in. It makes sense then that when we become unbalanced, higher frequency energy can help to restore balance within us. 

There are many ways and modalities that can help to bring a person’s energetic field back into balance. One of these ways is through the Sacred Activators. The Sacred Activators were given to me so that humanity can help itself return to a state of balance. I was given 65 Activators. In numerology 65=6+5=11. 11 is a Master number. It represents a new beginning.

The Sacred Activators are high frequency living energy tools. I have seen them used in sessions and they become alive–pulsating energy, spinning in a person’s energy field. Find out more about the Sacred Activators on the Store page. Here you can read an introduction and learn about how they work.