The following Sacred Activators work with the basis that everything is energy. We are pure energy–smaller universes connected to the larger Universe. We are connected to everything and everyone. There is no separation. With that knowledge these Sacred Activators which are energetic living tools, assist one to bring into balance parts of the self that have become unbalanced.
The human body is self-healing. Throughout my career as an energy practitioner (healer) I have never claimed to heal anyone except myself. You as the recipient of these frequencies are the healer. You are the one that decides what you are ready to let go of. The frequencies held within these energy tools/Activators assist in the rebalancing process. Many of these Sacred Activators were given to me in the Akashic Records (a living library of knowledge-past, present and future).
Some were given to me during sessions with clients. My guides would show them to me and also explain how they worked, what they were for, and gave me the colors I was to use in drawing them. Later, I painted each with those colors as the finished product. They were activated by a high level being that I saw as pure light. Many of these Activators are the shape of a triangle or a pyramid. I was told by my guides that the triangle and pyramid enhance and amplify the energy. These Activators also have a built-in protection and can only be used for good.
For the majority of Sacred Activator energy tools, it is recommended to set your intentions or say a prayer beforehand to activate the tool through your energy field and body. It is best to pray as if what you are asking for is already done.
For example, while using the Peace Sacred Activator Energy Tool you can say, “Mother, Father God or Creator of all that is”, or whatever name you give to a higher power, “Thank you for activating the Peace Sacred Activator throughout my body and energy field to remove and balance all that keeps me from feeling peace within throughout time, space, all dimensions and realities.”
We state this because we are multidimensional. After this, you can either softly gaze at the Activator and breathe the Activator into your heart or place your left hand over the Activator but not resting on it. Do this until you feel complete.
You may feel heat or energy coming from the Activator. Just by being in your presence they can be activated. At times, you may feel nothing and it only means that that particular Activator is not needed at that time or you may need to use Sacred Activator #27 (Connecting to the Heart) to help you connect with your heart. If the heart chakra is closed or unbalanced, it will help you to regain balance in that chakra. There are a few Activators that require invoking Mother Mary to activate them. Please read all information for each Activator before working with it.
Create a sacred space somewhere you won’t be disturbed. Give yourself the time to work with the intended Sacred Activator and pay attention to what you are feeling. You may want to journal your experience. A positive mindset is important as we create with our thoughts. Connect with your guides of the highest light and use the Activator as often as you feel guided to. What takes place with these Sacred Activators is between you, your Holy Presence and God.
Channeled message from Quan Yin:
“These Sacred Activators when worked with regularly can be life changing. It is recommended when setting intentions to be specific and in positive terms. For example: Instead of asking for anxiety to be taken away, one could state, thank you for helping me to be in a calm and relaxed state. Again, there is never a promise of a complete cure but these sacred tools are to be used to support a person. They help to assist all parts of a person’s being–that is the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. When every part of the person is addressed, there is a greater chance for the body and energy field to come into a state of balance. Most important is the knowing and belief that it is possible.”
Disclaimer: These Sacred Activators may be used to assist in the process of regaining balance within the body and energy field. Under no circumstances is a healing promised. There are many factors which need to take place for full healing to occur. While working with the Sacred Activators, you may experience movement inside of the body. This is the stuck and stagnant energies shifting, releasing and transmuting. Please drink plenty of water after working with the Sacred Activators.
These Sacred Activators can be bought separately or in packages.
Make a donation
If you have had a positive experience with my work or the Sacred Activators and you feel called to donate, you can do so here. I appreciate you!